Available courses

A two-day face-to-face workshop that highlights the current trends in health professions education and explores concrete ways to use technology to enhance teaching and assessment. Challenges and opportunities that come with the emergence of artificial intelligence and new applications will also be discussed. Best practices by selected programs will be presented in a symposium. Participants will be coached in incorporating technology and AI in their courses to improve teaching and assessment of student achievement.

This is the learning management system for the 2022 IUW on Test Construction

This site contains modules, resources, and portal for uploading of outputs of participants of the training for trainers. This program is conducted through blended mode, with scheduled synchronous and face-to-face sessions and the rest being carried out through asynchronous mode using the materials in this learning management system. Facilitators will give feedback to help participant to improve their outputs.

The HPEd Expo serves as the culminating activity of all NTTCHP students and faculty at the end of a school year. It features resource persons who share their insights on a given theme, conversations with faculty and students, and presentations of best works described as part of the year’s harvests of the college. This year’s theme is “HPEd in the Midst of Universal Health Care and Covid19.” The expo will be available synchronously on 2 July 2020 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon and will be available in NTTCHP’s official sites until 10 July 2020.

Objectives: Upon completion of this online seminar, NTTCHP faculty, students, and staff will be able to:

  1. Discuss how the covid19 pandemic is affecting the current implementation of the Universal Health Care Law and the general landscape of health professions education 
  2. Demonstrate basic online teaching competencies

This is a temporary site for the November 23-24, 2023 Faculty Development.

To be filled up

This is part of Phase two of the "Scaling up of Centers for Health Development Capacity in Operations and Implementation Research."

LMS for Writeshop

The Alma Ata Declaration affirming the role of Primary Health Care in achieving ‘Health for All’ has had significant influence on the education of health professionals. One of the most significant is the introduction of community based /oriented educational programs both at the undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) requires all health profession education courses to have a community based or community rotation subjects. These subjects range from one week to as long as six months rotation.

Research in health professions education affirms the role of early community exposure in developing positive attitude towards patients, good interpersonal skills.

However, while community based education has been institutionalized, there are not enough teacher prepared to manage community based education programs.

Successful implementation of community based education requires a cadre of health professions educators who are not only expert in their chosen health professions but are also equipped with competencies needed to design, implement, and evaluate community based education courses for students in the health professions.